Day 7: Kingdom Attitudes: The Beatitudes - 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting — All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG) | Church in Wythenshawe

The Heart of the Kingdom

Welcome to Day 7 of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting! Today, we delve into Kingdom Attitudes as taught by Jesus in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:3-12).

The Beatitudes are a set of blessings pronounced by Jesus during His Sermon on the Mount. They are not just beautiful sayings; they are the attitudes and values of the Kingdom of God. Through them, Jesus challenges worldly perspectives and calls us to live in a way that reflects God’s heart.

Let’s explore what each Beatitude means and how it shapes our lives as followers of Christ.

Understanding the Beatitudes

1. Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)

To be “poor in spirit” is to recognise our need for God. It is an attitude of humility that acknowledges we cannot save ourselves. When we admit our dependence on Him, we enter the Kingdom of heaven and receive His grace and provision.

2. Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)

This mourning is not just about personal loss but a deep sorrow over sin and the brokenness of the world. God promises comfort to those who grieve with a heart aligned to His—bringing hope and healing to their pain.

3. Blessed Are the Meek

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Matthew 5:5)

Meekness is not weakness but strength under control. It reflects a gentle and humble heart that submits to God’s authority. The meek trust God to fight their battles, and their reward is a lasting inheritance.

4. Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.” (Matthew 5:6)

This Beatitude speaks of a deep desire for God’s righteousness—not just personally but in the world around us. God satisfies those who long for His justice, holiness, and truth.

5. Blessed Are the Merciful

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 5:7)

Mercy reflects God’s compassionate nature. When we show kindness, forgiveness, and generosity to others, we mirror His heart. As we extend mercy, we also receive it abundantly from God.

6. Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8)

Purity of heart is about having an undivided devotion to God. It means letting go of sin, distractions, and anything that competes for our loyalty to Him. When our hearts are pure, we experience the joy of His presence.

7. Blessed Are the Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Peacemakers actively seek to reconcile and bring harmony, reflecting God’s desire for unity and peace. As we work to resolve conflicts and promote peace, we reveal our identity as His children.

8. Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted for Righteousness’ Sake

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:10)

Living out Kingdom values often invites opposition, but Jesus assures us that enduring persecution for His sake brings eternal rewards. This Beatitude reminds us that faithfulness to God outweighs worldly approval.

Living Out Kingdom Attitudes

The Beatitudes challenge us to examine our hearts and attitudes. Are we pursuing humility, mercy, purity, and peace? Are we hungering for righteousness and trusting God in our trials?

Living out these attitudes requires us to rely on the Holy Spirit. Through prayer and fasting, we can ask God to shape our character, aligning it with Kingdom values.

Each Beatitude comes with a promise of blessing. These blessings are not always material or immediate but reflect the eternal rewards of living for God’s Kingdom.

  • Humility brings us into the Kingdom of heaven.

  • Mercy opens the door for us to receive God’s compassion.

  • Purity allows us to see God’s presence more clearly.

The Beatitudes remind us that true joy and fulfilment come from living according to God’s ways, not the world’s.

The Beatitudes are more than a list of blessings—they are a roadmap for Kingdom living. As we reflect on these attitudes today, let us invite God to shape our hearts and lives to reflect His character.

Through humility, mercy, purity, and peace, we demonstrate the transformative power of the Kingdom to the world. Let the Beatitudes inspire you to live a life that brings glory to God and blessing to those around you.

Prayer for Today:
Lord, thank You for the Kingdom attitudes You teach in the Beatitudes. Transform my heart to reflect Your character. Help me to be humble, merciful, and pure, and to hunger for righteousness. May I live as a peacemaker, bringing Your love to others. Guide me to live out Your Kingdom values today and always. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

