The Start of Our Journey

Welcome to Day 1 of our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting! Over the next three weeks, we will dive deeply into the principles of God’s Kingdom, seeking His guidance and power to align our lives with His will. Today, we begin with a foundational question: What is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is central to Jesus’ teachings. Throughout the Gospels, He proclaimed, “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15). But what does this Kingdom mean, and how does it affect our lives? Let’s explore its spiritual depth, practical implications, and the invitation to participate in it.

What Is the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom Defined

The Kingdom of God refers to God’s rule and reign over all creation. It is not merely a physical territory but a spiritual reality where God’s authority, will, and purposes are fully realised.

Jesus explained this Kingdom through parables like the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31–32) and the hidden treasure (Matthew 13:44). These stories reveal that God’s Kingdom starts small but grows exponentially, bringing transformation to all it touches.

In essence, the Kingdom of God is wherever God’s rule is acknowledged, His purposes are fulfilled, and His presence is welcomed.

One unique aspect of the Kingdom of God is its “already, but not yet” nature.

  • The Kingdom is here: Through Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection, the Kingdom has broken into our world. Jesus demonstrated this by healing the sick, casting out demons, and forgiving sins.

  • The Kingdom is not yet fully realised: While God’s rule is present, we still live in a fallen world. The fullness of the Kingdom will only come when Jesus returns to establish His eternal reign (Revelation 21:1–4).

This tension invites us to live in anticipation. As followers of Christ, we experience glimpses of the Kingdom now while longing for its complete fulfilment.

Living Out the Kingdom of God

The Call to Seek First the Kingdom

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus commands us: “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” This call prioritises God’s rule in our lives over material concerns or worldly ambitions.

To seek God’s Kingdom means:

  • Aligning with His will: Regular prayer and fasting help us tune our hearts to God’s desires.

  • Living in righteousness: Our actions and character reflect Kingdom values, such as love, justice, and humility.

  • Spreading His rule: We share the good news of the Kingdom, inviting others to experience God’s grace and truth.

The Kingdom of God operates on principles radically different from the world’s systems. Jesus taught these in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7), outlining characteristics like:

  • Humility: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3)

  • Mercy: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Matthew 5:7)

  • Peacemaking: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

Living according to these values demonstrates the power and beauty of the Kingdom in a broken world.

As we reflect on the Kingdom of God today, remember that it begins in our hearts. Jesus said: “The kingdom of God is in your midst” (Luke 17:21). It is not distant or unreachable; it is present wherever His rule is welcomed.

Through this 21-day journey of prayer and fasting, ask God to deepen your understanding of His Kingdom and help you live it out daily. Let His rule bring peace, purpose, and transformation to your life.

Prayer for Today:
Lord, thank You for inviting me into Your Kingdom. Teach me to seek Your rule in every area of my life. Align my heart with Your will, and help me live out Your Kingdom values. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in me, as it is in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
