After becoming a Christian, I found out that God is interested in every part of our lives and that it says in the Bible that we should cast the whole of our cares (anxieties, worries and concerns), once and for all on Him, for he cares for us affectionately and cares about us watchfully. (1 Peter 5 verse 7.) (The Amplified Bible)

When my Grandmother died I was devastated as it was the first time a close family member had died. The people at my gran's church and also those at mine prayed for the family and me. It was then that I experienced a wonderful peace and joy which remained after the funeral and through out the mourning period.

The Bible says "Blessed be the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our tribulation"(1 Corinthians 1 verses 3 and 4)

During labour at the birth of our daughter I found that for some reason I could not push her out of my body. My husband who was with me was praying over me in tongues but eventually the baby had to be delivered with forceps.

Back in my room I was feeling very depressed and a complete failure. I reached for my Bible.

Of all the pages it fell open at Isaiah 66 and the verse that met my eyes said, 'Shall I bring to the moment of birth and not cause to bring forth?' (verse 9)

This I took as a token from the Lord that He was with me and had used the doctors and nurses to deliver my baby.

At work some years ago we were expecting a visit from a district inspector. We were all feeling rather nervous. A nursery is supposed to provide a stimulating atmosphere in order to create a sense of awe and wonder in the children. To our delight the butterflies which we had kept from eggs emerged from their chrysalises as the inspector arrived.

He is the God of all wonders! Psalms 77:14.