Identity Prayers — All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG) | Church in Wythenshawe

Identity Prayers

Speak life over yourself, your family, and your surroundings. These identity prayers were written using the Word of God and crafted uniquely for you to declare God’s purposes and plans over your life and your world.


God has a SPECIAL calling on your life! Before you were born, God set out His destiny for you to serve Him. Because you are here in this place, at this time, is proof that God’s calling on your life is being established. The Lord’s anointing rests on you. You have been called to live a life obedient to the Lord; walking in God’s perfect will as a faithful servant who trusts and is trusted by the Lord! Your life is bringing glory to the Name of Jesus! Romans 8:29-30; Psalms 139:16

You are a child of God, taught by God’s Word.  God’s Word is a guiding light to your path in life.  You love to obey God’s Word and are blessed.  Because you keep God’s Word in your heart, fear, doubt and worry have no place.  God’s peace rules in your heart.  The Word of God flows freely from your heart, bringing life, truth and blessing to others! Isaiah 54:13-14; Psalms 86:11


The Lord has a special work just for you to do.  You are a worker in the Kingdom of God.  Your work is your ministry, holy, blessed of God and called to prosper.  You love the Lord and serve Him in the work He has called you to, with joy and a proper attitude.  The excellence in which you perform your work will demonstrate the degree of love and commitment you have for your Lord.  In your work you are blessed! Ephesians 2:10; Psalms 90:17; Proverbs 20:11


As God’s child, His love is the standard you live by.  God’s love in you causes you to never give up, but to be patient and kind.  God’s love in you cares more for others than for yourself.  You are content with what you have.  You are not boastful or proud, but a humble servant.  You are not rude or controlling, but polite and secure.  In God’s love, you are truthful to others and God.  You look for the best in people and situations and endure to the end.  Love never fails!  Because you love God and He loves you, His love that flows through you will draw others to your Lord Jesus, the love of your life! 1 Corinthians 13


God is giving you godly friends, who love the Lord with all their heart and serve Him, even as you do.  The Lord is always with you, giving you all that you need in the places where He takes you.  You are an obedient child of God who walks in His way. Every step is by His order to bring you to the right place at the right time for His purpose; to touch others’ lives with His truth and His glory!  You bring them Jesus. Psalms 37:23,31; Hebrews 13:5; Philippians 4:19


Jesus, your Lord and Savior paid for your life with His precious blood.  Jesus came to earth, died on the cross and rose in victory from the grave.  His holy life shows you how to live holy everyday.  Only because of Jesus and what He did for you, can you rise above the evils of this world.  Jesus has made you holy and because of that, you bring honour to Him by living holy. 1 Peter 1:15-19


You are strong in the Lord and in His mighty power!  In the face of the enemy, you are bold and courageous like Jesus, the mighty Lion of Judah.  Because you put your faith in Jesus, you overcome every evil of the world.  God has chosen you to show others how to overcome also.  Evil will not overtake you.  You overcome evil with good.  You do not fear because the Lord your God is with you.  He will help you in all He has called you to do.  You trust in God alone, the Maker of heaven and earth, who is the strength of your life. Deuteronomy 31:7,8; Romans 12:21


You are richly blessed!  God’s grace and peace are multiplied in you.  You have been given everything to live a life pleasing to God.  Your ticket to God’s divine nature is found and fulfilled in His promises to you.  For this reason you are diligent to keep growing in faith, good character, spiritual knowledge, and self-control.  You are increasing in perseverance, godliness, warm friendliness and generous love.  As you mature in these, your love relationship with Jesus grows sweeter and deeper. 2 Peter 1:2-8


You have the mind of Christ.  God loves you and has given you His love.  You have a sound mind.  God has given you His power and authority over every enemy in Jesus’ Name.  Your faith and trust in God drives away confusion, condemnation, guilt, shame and worry. Fear has no place in you.  You are not afraid because God surrounds you with His strong walls of protection and keeps you safe! 1 Corinthians 2:16; 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:18


Your reason for being is to know and love the God of all creation.  In this becoming one with God, your purpose is fulfilled.  In your oneness with Him, you know and do the things the Father shows you to do.  You delight in God’s commandments.  You walk all the days of your life in God’s ways.  You love the Lord with all that is in you.  Your heart is tender and yielded to God.  You honour and reverence the one great God who is mighty and awesome.  He is your Praise!  The Lord is your God. Deuteronomy 10:12,21; John 17:21-23


God has placed people over you to train, guide and protect you.  Because your heart is yielded to obey God, you also are willing to obey God’s authority over you.  Your parents, teachers and pastors have a responsibility to lead you in the ways of the Lord.  They are chosen to watch out for your soul.  God shows His wonderful love by giving the very best people to sow into your life.  Because you choose to respect and honor them, learning is joyful and you develop and mature in godly perfection!  You are being protected and nurtured in godliness. Hebrews 13:17


Each day you are growing in wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  As you learn and speak God’s truth, the power of Satan’s lies is broken.  Satan’s traps will not trap you because you recognise his lies.  The Lord causes you to triumph!   Because you choose Life, you walk in the way of Truth!  As you walk in Truth, all the blessings of God abound toward you! Ephesians 4:14,15; Deuteronomy 30:19


God has chosen you Himself, just for this time.  You are a priest of King Jesus.  You are holy and set apart.  The blood of Jesus has purchased you.  God is your Maker and Master.  Joyfully, you serve Him with unquenchable praise and whole-hearted worship!  Your life shows God’s goodness and mercy to many people.  You show them the way to come from their dark place of despair, to that same place of glory and belonging! 2 Peter 2:9-10


God has equipped you for every good work.  By hearing and obeying God’s Word, you are being trained to be a soldier in His army.  You have the Spirit of God to guide you, teach you, and bring revelation to His Truth.  You have been given God’s armour and mighty angels to protect you.  God’s gifts and character are growing on the inside of you!  You are one who will pray, speak, and live as God has planned for you.  The love and authority of God has empowered you to succeed.  You are a winner! 2 Timothy 3:16,17


You have been bought with the life of Jesus Christ.  You belong to God.  Your body is God’s house.  God is a holy God.  His Spirit lives in you because Jesus’ blood makes you holy.  You make wise choices to allow only good, pure, godly influences and substances to enter your body.  Your body brings glory and honour to God!  You are happy and thankful for the body God has given you. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17


The Lord is your LIGHT and SALVATION!  His Light drives out all darkness.  The Lord is your Deliverer, your Healer and Freedom Maker. Therefore, you have no fear.  Because the Lord is the strength of your life, He pulls you above the effects of the enemy.  Whenever the devil tries to get you, he falls flat on his face.  No plan of the enemy, great or small, will shake your confidence or courage, for you know the God you trust always comes to your defense and wins! Psalms 27:1-3


Because the Holy Spirit guides you in all Truth, you will not be deceived by the lies of the devil.  The spirit of discernment rests upon you, therefore you know those who are true followers of Jesus, and those who are false prophets only out for their own gain.  By the Spirit, you will know those who are true friends and those who are deceivers.  Because you are being trained to hear and obey the voice of God you are being equipped in the Power and Might of the Lord!  You can recognise the plans of the devil, and also have the strategies to overcome him!  The love you have for God empowers you to walk in His Truth and His Victory! Philippians 1:9; John 16:13; John 10:4


You are the chosen of God.  He has dressed you in the beautiful garments of His nature.  You show forth Jesus’ compassion and kindness.  You are humble, teachable and patient in all your ways.  You don’t blame or retaliate, but forgive others who come against you, even as Jesus forgives you.  More than anything, you purpose to love God and love others.  You delight in God and He delights in you.  What a joy to know and serve God! Colossians 3:12-14


God has given you a measure of faith.  God delights is seeing you live by faith.   FAITH says you TRUST God!  Living by faith says you believe God’s Word is true, and you choose to depend on it.  Faith says, “The God you serve will do what He says He will do!  He rewards you as you diligently seek Him!”  Your faith causes you to thank God even before you see it happen. Hebrews 11:6


Even though you have a home here, your real home is waiting for you in Heaven.  Father God has prepared a home just for you in Heaven.  Your real home is more beautiful than a king’s palace.  You are called a citizen of Heaven.  While you live on this earth, all the good that you do in the Name of Jesus will bring glory to Him.  As you continue to serve Him, you are laying up treasure, which the Lord is keeping for you, when you enter your eternal heavenly home. Philippians 3:20; John 14:2; Luke 12:33-34


You are like a tree planted by rivers of living waters.  You are growing in wisdom, knowledge and the fear of the Lord.  God is the Master Gardener, who has planted you.  The Lord tenderly and consistently nourishes you with His abundant riches.  God carefully prunes your weaknesses.  He grooms you to allow His gifts and abilities to grow strong and true.  His care brings you to develop the right fruit in the right season.  This brings you to full godly maturity.  His goodness abounds in you.  The Lord’s glory is upon you! Psalms 1:3


The Lord has fit and joined You into the Body of Christ.  In His Body, He has already appointed godly friends for you at every age of your life.  The friends He has provided are ones who love and accept you, even as He does.  You and your friends love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.  This is God’s highest and best for all His children!  The friends God has chosen for you are faithful, loyal, dependable, encouraging, truthful, and obedient.  Friends are a gift from God because He loves you!  You lay down your life for your friends, and they lay down their life for you.  Friends are a precious gift and blessing of the Lord!  Jesus is your very best friend, who is closer than any other. John 15:13-14; Ephesians 4:16; Proverbs 17:17; Proverbs 18:24


You have the wisdom of God on how to stop the devil.  The devil has no real power in heaven or in earth.  God kicked him out of Heaven.  Jesus’ death on the cross brought his defeat on the earth.  As a believer, Jesus gave you His Power and Authority!  As you submit to God, the devil has no power or control over you.  None of his tricks or schemes will succeed in your life.  You are an overcomer by the Blood of Jesus and the word of your testimony!  As you live in the Spirit, obeying the voice of the Lord, you will know the strategy of the enemy.  In the NAME OF JESUS AND THE POWER OF THE CROSS you bind the devil and cast him out.  As you thank God, and praise and worship Jesus with your whole heart, the demons flee in terror! Luke 10:18,19; Isaiah 14:12-14; Revelation 12:11; James 4:7


The Lord has promised you the Holy Spirit as the COMFORTER, HELPER and TEACHER.  He is the One who leads you and guides you in all Truth.  The Holy Spirit brings understanding and revelation of God’s Word. The Holy Spirit shows you how to know right from wrong. He helps you to remember the Truth Jesus wants you to know.  The Holy Spirit empowers you for the work God has called you to do.  The Holy Spirit always leads you to Jesus!  The Holy Spirit has been given to you. John 14:26


Your heart is full of songs of the Lord!  You can sing a new song to the Lord!  As you open your mouth in worship; psalms, hymns, and praise come forth, which magnify the Lord!  Your worship of the Lord is a blessing to Him, to yourself, and to others!  Your delight in the Lord stirs others to worship Him!  You have been created to be an instrument of His praise that exalts and thanks Him all the days of your life!  You are a true worshiper.  Worship brings the Lord’s glory.  Every demon flees the Presence of God!  You just keep praising the Lord, Jesus! Ephesians 5:19; Psalms 8:2; John 4:23; Psalms 69:30


Jesus is the Truth and tells the Truth in His Word.  You rejoice in God’s Word, as one who finds great treasure!  Your love of God’s Word causes you to grow in Truth.  His Word brings Light and Life on the inside of you, which shows you who you are in Jesus.  You are accepted in the Beloved.  Even if you make a mistake, God is always there to help you to make it right.  Because God is first in your life, any time you fall, you see how weak you are apart from the grace of Jesus.  In that place of surrender, He becomes your Defender.  As you repent, God turns the bad to good.  As you forgive, then God can forgive you.  Your strong and loving God enables you to succeed. Your gratitude shows a godly attitude in all your life. Psalms 119; John 14:6; Mark 11:25; Romans 8:28


As a follower of Jesus, you are also called a GIVER!  You are not selfish but selfless.  Your thankful heart causes you to love to give!  A giver is pleasing to the Lord.  Because He is pleased, the Lord causes more blessings to be added to you.  He rewards your obedience. As you offer the first fruits of all your increase, more is given so you can keep giving more of all God’s goodness to others.  How blessed it is to GIVE!  God is more than enough.  You have MORE, MORE, MORE than enough because you have God!  You GIVE, GIVE, GIVE, because God, GIVES, GIVES, GIVES!  How blessed it is to GIVE! Luke 6:38


You are a part of the Body of Christ.  Jesus, as Head of His Body, tells you WHAT to do, HOW to do it and WHEN to do it.  You have been specially chosen at this time to fulfil your place in His Body!  So you get a SPECIAL job to do.  As you obey the Lord in your calling, you will help the Body grow strong in Jesus and in their calling.  God picked you as the perfect one to do His selected work!  God needs you! The Body of Christ needs you!  By the Grace of God you will succeed in your mission!  You are HIS CHOICE! Ephesians 4:6; Exodus 36:1


The Lord, your Creator, knows you and everything about you.  Your secret places are an open book to Him.  Your heart has no walls to hide behind before God.  When you work and when you play; when you sleep and when you pray, the Lord’s attention is fixed on you. Your every thought, concern and desire is in the Lord’s care.  God has you covered before and behind with His hand of blessing and provision.  His love is too wonderful for words! Psalms 139:1-6


Your eyes behold the goodness of the Lord every day of your life.  The praises of God are always flowing from your mouth.  You keep your tongue from evil; your lips speak no lies.  You do not follow evil but choose to do good.  You are a seeker of peace and pursue it. The eyes of the Lord are upon you; His ears are open to your prayers.  He is your Deliverer from every trouble. Psalms 34


In all things you are more than a conqueror through Jesus who loves you!  You are certain that nothing – nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable – absolutely nothing can get between you and God’s love because of the way that Jesus your Savior has embraced you. Romans 8:37-39


The Lord is your Good Shepherd.  You have everything you need.  He brings you rest in the richest places of His presence.  By the quiet streams of life He gives you new vitality!  Because you are named with His name, every honourable deed is one more way for Him to boast that you are His.  Even if death would try to knock at your door, or follow you on your walk with God, no fear will overtake you. The Lord’s strong arm of comfort carries you right through every trial.  Right in the faces of your enemies, God spreads a banquet feast that overwhelms the most persistence foe, and he must go!  You are filled full to overflowing with the presence and power of God’s awesome love.  His blessings flow endlessly.  Every breath that you take, every day of your life demonstrates God’s faithfulness, goodness and mercy.  Your body’s residence, your soul’s refuge, your heart’s resting-place is God’s house.  There’s no place like His place.  God is your home.  God is your dwelling place forever! Psalms 23


Jesus is your Healer.  He is always here, ready to help in every place of need.  When He touches your hurt places, they are made whole and new.  Jesus gives you a map that lays out your hope filled future.  In your times of healing, you walk free and victorious from the past and press on toward the finish line. Your thankfulness reminds you of God’s goodness.  You joyfully continue on, hand in hand with Jesus as you fulfil your destiny. Exodus 15:26;Jeremiah 29:11;Philippians 3:13-14


Because you want to live a life abundant, you obey God.  YOU CHOOSE LIFE, which brings blessings. You yearn to be near God.  Your love for God draws you closer and closer to Him. You cling to God who is your SOURCE and the One who gives you long, rich LIFE. Deuteronomy 30:19-20


Jesus is more precious than silver, more valuable than pure gold, and more beautiful than a sparkling diamond.  He is your most precious treasure.  You are His most cherished possession.  You are content in what you have and who you are.  You are unconcerned with the level of possessions others have.  In every blessing, God gives you, you are thankful.  You rest; knowing that Jesus is committed to you forever!  He is with you. Jesus is for you! Hebrews 13:5; Song of Solomon 2:16; Psalms 73:26


God has given you a mighty weapon against the devil.  It is His powerful Word.  As His Word is put in your heart, faith grows.  God’s wisdom lets you know how to use His Word to solve every problem.  His Word supplies every answer.  You love God’s Word.  You believe God’s Word.  When you speak God’s Word, His glory is demonstrated and brings powerful results. Hebrews 4:12


GOD LOVES YOU!  There is no one who LOVES you more than God!  He loves you with an EVERLASTING LOVE.  His LOVE is stronger than any power in heaven or earth.  GOD is the BEST father!  You are HIS child.  God is YOUR loving heavenly father.  There isn’t anything God wouldn’t do to show you HIS LOVE.  YOU ARE the focus of HIS total attention.  God’s LOVE surrounds you and keeps you FOREVER!  You are the APPLE OF HIS EYE.  You are LOVED!  GOD LOVES YOU! John 3:16; Jeremiah 31:3; Ephesians 3:18,19; 1John 3:1; Psalms 125:2; 2 Chronicles 16:19; Psalm 34:15; Zechariah 2:8

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