CREW (Youth Ministry) — All Nations Community Church Wythenshawe - Community Through Faith and Fellowship (Pentecostal Church AOG) | Church in Wythenshawe

Helping young people find their way to God.

All Nations Crew

Crew is the youth expression of All Nations Community Church, the vision is to raise young ambassadors of Christ Jesus & help them find their purpose in life according to the word of God.

Crew meet weekly on Friday evenings 7pm - 9pm.

Their gatherings are action-packed & consist of various different activities, such as Games, Bible studies, Group Discussions, Trips & more!

Midweek Crew

Midweek Crew is a fun day event that runs on Wednesdays during half-time.

Crew gather together for an extended time to learn different topics, have fun & enjoy food together!

It’s a day for young people to be outside the house & occupied & enjoy being in the presence of God.

Midweek Crew

Crew Creates unforgettable times of laughter, fun & joy! These moments will be cherished in the young people’s hearts & they will look back & reflect on these amazing times as they continue to grow!

CREW are now on social media & you can connect via the platform instagram.

Follow for updates, & insights, be a part of this family.

Past Events
